Busobj.exe automation server settings

Could some one let me know waht will be the impact on webi if we change Busobj.exe automation server settings from “This user” to “Interactive user” in servconfig.exe for webi?


karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)

That’s a great question!

This means you have to leave the server logged in. The process start using the privileges of the logged on user.

Here is what it says:

The Interactive User: The BusObj.exe process executes in the security context of the end user currently logged on (on the current server machine). This option is not recommended for the following reasons:[list]1. A user must always be logged on in order for the BusObj.exe process to execute.

  1. The BusObj.exe process may have different rights depending on who is logged on, which may cause various unexpected failures.[/list]The Launching User: The BusObj.exe process executes in the security context of the calling process. This is the default identity setting for Automation servers. In our configuration, selecting this option implies that all BusObj.exe processes will execute within the same (non-interactive) desktop as BusinessObjects Manager. This option can adversely impact the number of BusObj.exe processes that can run concurrently. The maximum number of processes depends on the heap setting for non-interactive desktops, and is around 10-12 processes for a non-interactive value of 512.

This User: The BusObj.exe process executes in the security context of the specified user account. This is the recommended option for BusinessObjects Manager. In our configuration, selecting this option implies that each BusObj.exe process will execute within a different (non-interactive) desktop. This is the option that potentially allows the largest number of BusObj.exe processes to run concurrently. The maximum number of processes depends on the heap setting for non-interactive desktops and of the total number of desktops allocated on your server machine.

Specify the account using the using the “domain_name\user_name” format (without the quotes, but with the backslash).

To ensure correct behavior, the account that you specify must belong to the local Administrators group on the current machine.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks for the info.So we should leave the server logged in,Does this logged in user id should be "ADMIN " ID?.

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)


Why do you want to do this? If you are going to use the admin id anyway, why not just enter it in SERVCONF. That way you don’t need to leave the server logged in. Your envrionment is MUCH more secure if you don’t log in.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I agree with what you are saying.Iam actually scheduling a report with add inn for some reason its failing.The resolution in KB says to set automation server to Interactive.

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)