The following application can be run on any SAP BusinessObjects 4.0 server to generate a .BIAR file (backup) of the repository. Using the tips from the following article ( Backing up and Restoring SAP BusinessObjects | SAP BI Blog ), you can then use the UMT, LCM or BIARENGINE.JAR to restore the file.
Author: Jonathan Haun Twitter:@jdh2n
Author notes:
modify the BOE40Backup.bat file and set the following parameters
BOPATH - Path of the SAP Business Objects Installation
See example below:
SET BOPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0
BACKUPPATH - Root Path to where the backup files are stored. Files will be saved to the “backup” directory within the path
NETWORKPATH - The UNC path to the network location where the files will be copied. Keep blank if none is required.
SET NETWORKPATH=\server\share\path
ENVNAME - The user defined name that is added to all backup files. Nice to have if there are multiple environments
SET ENVNAME=development40
BACKUPDAYS - The number of days that the backup files are retained on the local drive
DRIVELETTER - The letter of the disk drive that contains this applicaiton
Modify the file:
exportBiarLocation - The location where the .BIAR file is created. Must match the %BACKUPPATH%\backup path in the BOE40Backup.bat file.
See the XI 3.1 SP3 Admin Guide for further details on the BIARENGINE.JAR file.
Discussion: Backing up and Restoring SAP BusinessObjects | SAP BI Blog
Platform: SAP BusinessObjects 4.0 SP3-5
Version: 1.0 (3.0 KB)
jdh2n (BOB member since 2006-11-13)