Business Objects on Cloud (AWS)

How does Business Objects work on Cloud, probably AWS ? Is there any limitation ?

How is security done ? Any difference ? Any impact on the performance ?

Is there any material for this ?

Please advise.

Developer_Designer (BOB member since 2009-08-09)

We’re doing a webinar next week on how to migrate SAP BusinessObjects to AWS or the cloud.

We’ll definitely be covering security considerations, network topology and more:

Atul Chowdhury (BOB member since 2003-07-07)


I will not be able to join at that time. Is there any material for this ? Also, can you tell here how the row level security works in cloud environment ?


Developer_Designer (BOB member since 2009-08-09)

You can buy SAP BI directly on the AWS marketplace. Its sold by a partner, so yes, you can run it in the Cloud. Its not SaaS though, more PaaS and BYOL.

I have it running on Azure.

Its all VMs so not really much different to running it on prem.

ABILtd :uk: (BOB member since 2006-02-08)

Hi Atul,

missed the webinar. Is there anyway, we can get a recording of the webinar?


Sree Konduri (BOB member since 2005-07-14)