Business Objects Housekeeping

Hi All,

Sorry if this has been covered before.

I looked around for quite some time to figure out how to do BO housekeeping, as noticably there is degradation in performance when Tomcat logs fill, all the examples I found on the internet were in VB which is foreign to me, so here goes:

  1. Open a Text Document and paste the following code (change the node from TEST01 to whatever your SIA is):

REM ****SAP BO Housekeeping****
sc stop BOEXI40Tomcat
sc stop BOEXI40SIATEST01
RD /S/Q "D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\logs"
RD /S/Q "D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\work\Catalina"
sc start BOEXI40Tomcat
sc start BOEXI40SIATEST01
  1. Save the document as something.bat

  2. Schedule the process to run, either though Windows Scheduler or Create a Business Objects Program Object - program objects seemed best in our enviroment so trigger from Data Services at appropriate times.

How this script works is as follows:

Inside the services.msc menu we locate the services which we need to stop by using sc (service command). We then RD (remove directory) with /S (all subfolders) and /Q (quietly so no ‘are you sure you want to delete’ message is displayed) then issue sc to restart services applicable.

In some VB scripts I have read they mention deleting/achiveing the Webi/data folder, this script could be easily modified to do so.

Author: Thomas Evans - NZ
Author notes: Quick script
Platform: Works on 4.0/4.1 Platform Server, Windows Servers only.

Feel free to message me here if you have any questions.

Thomas Evans :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2013-10-17)

Moderator note:
Moved from BOB’s Uploads to BOB’s Downloads.

Thanks for sharing.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)