business objects 5.1.5 backup and repository movement

Hi there to all of You.
I’ve got an archaic version of BO left by the old admin…
I’m looking for documentation of Business Objects 5.1.5 or for an answear to few questions.

How to backup this version of BO ?
In XI 3.1 we need database and FRS, but what about 5.1.5 it is way different product…
What need to be backed up to restore it on another machine when original server will die ?
BO repository database ?
odbc connection data, user, pwd?
any files?
license file/s?

Is there any known procedure to move repository(secuiryt, documents,universe) of this version to another server ?
I would like to move the repository database of 5.1.5 from SQL 2000 to sql2005/2008.
Did any one test it with newer MS SQL, is this as simple as restoring the database on a new SQL and changing BO repository ODBC connection ?

I was looking for some documentation, but cant find it…
Please Help

Adam924 :poland: (BOB member since 2011-01-13)

Hi and thank you for this vintage question :slight_smile:

in version 5, all things are stored in the repository database (including reports and univers as blob), so if your users have well exported their univers and reports in it, it’s ok (but if no, you have some works to gather all files from each workstation or network drive :hb:)

once the repository database backup, you can migrate the corresponding database from sql server 2000 to sql server 2008.

After, with the supervisor, you have to recreate a bomain.key file with the new database account information so that each people could connect again to it

let me know if it clear to you

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

And, if my memory serves me well, all 3 domains (security, …) needs to be re-pointed in Supervisor from the old repository database to the new one. There might be old topics on BOB about the problem if this re-pointing is forgotten.

Good luck!

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

right, have a look to the Supervisor FAQ - how to move a repository

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

First of all I Would like to say Thank You Guys !!

I was wondering if someone will answear any of my questions.

The faq link is very usefull :slight_smile:
helped to know how to generate the .key configuration file.

As far as I know, in my case it is simple case (few users, few universes, no reports in repository).
Users do not use standard reports, they always create them from the start using one of a few universes.
There are a few databases that are not growing - its only for archival purposes.

But as I see I will have to double check if they do not use local reports.

So as all of You described it look quite simple to migrate the repository of 5.1.5.

How about DisasterRecovery - very old machine?
Repostiory Database backup is a must as I can see.
admin password is a must - ?
user and pwd for odbc database connection - as i guess ?
other databases connection usr /pwd
anything else ?

How hard it is to install it 5.1.5 from nothing ?

Adam924 :poland: (BOB member since 2011-01-13)

quite easy :
1>you have to put your repository database somewhere
2>then, on client box, you have to install both database middleware to be able to connect to repository
3>you have also to have on client box to have the middleware to be able to connect to different databases used by univers
4> you have to install on client box the client bo 5.1.5 client and deploy the bomain.key file in the locdata subdirectory

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

I Was thinking more about server instalation from a scratch.
You know, Let’s say I have a Repository on a SQL somwhere, and a BO server on some other machine that dies.
I get a new server machine install BO 5.1.5 from nothing (probably I need to make a new repostiory DB for the installation… and than what ?
I change repository DB redirection to the old Repository DB as we mentioned before and it works as the old one?

As There is a lack of documentation this is critical information for me.

Adam924 :poland: (BOB member since 2011-01-13)

in bo 5.1.x, you don’t need as now with XI / BI to install the server components (webi 2.7.x in BO 5.1.x)

1> then, you need to put your repository in a sql server
2> you install all your client tools on a box (reporter, designer + supervisor)
3> once installed, you use the supervisor , select the admin buton at login and choose not to create a new repo but “regenerate the bomain.key”
4> then, follow the wizard and bo will regenerate you the bomain.key filee you need to connect to the repo
5> then connect to the supervisor selecting this key file and your general supervisor login
6> in the supervisor, once connected, don’t forget to change the domain connexion if it is a copy of your former repository (aka the supervisor faq)

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Thank You again.

I’ve trained it, and it seems to work as described.
Now will have to do some cleaning with users files :wink: export to repository and than do the final operation :slight_smile:
but at least i know how to do it :slight_smile:

Thanks Again :slight_smile:

Adam924 :poland: (BOB member since 2011-01-13)

Hey, you are welcome :lol:
And thank you for this ‘vintage’ question !

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)