Business Objects 5.0 scriptable?

My company has Business Objects 5.0 (a pretty old version)- Does anyone know whether it is scriptable? I would like to use an Excel interface where user would enter a few numbers and get his response from BO back BUT without having him go to BO??

[Moderator Note: Moving to SDK forum - Marek Chladny]

EBEB (BOB member since 2009-05-13)

Yes you can use VBA within excel to open BusinessObjects and return results. It didn’t really change much since version 4.0 -> 6.5

Have a look at some of the examples in BOBs Downloads

Take a look at this one for example to see how you open a BusinessObjects session from Excel - note in this particular case it’s designer but it’s the same idea.

Hayden_Gill :australia: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)