Business object 5.1.6 Installation on Solaris


I am very new to Business objects.

Just a couple of Queries :

  1. Can Business Objects Supervisor and Designer be installed on Solaris servers or are they strictly Desktop components.

  2. Does the Business installation cd have installation files for a webserver. Does it use Apache Tomcat.

  3. Could you please also list down what are server based components and what are client components. I am solely looking at a Solaris enviornment.

  4. Can our webserver and Application server be on the same machine.

Awaiting a response.

Thanks and Regards

ns2004 (BOB member since 2004-07-02)

No, Reporter, Supervisor and Designer are windows softwares only. Some time ago, Bo has released Unix (Solaris, Irix, etc) release for this products but they are been discontinued

In 6.1.x, yes, but in 5.1.x, I don’t think so

This list could be seen on BO OCS website

I think
Awaiting a response.

Thanks and Regards

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)