

Please can somebody help me with the age-old Broad Cast Agent(BCA) Scheduler that was used with Business Objects 5.x version.

BCA curently is installed on Win 2000 Server and client is planning to migrate from Win 2000 Server to some vendor supported version of OS.

Please can someone tell me on which latest version of OS will this software BCA work as this software is out of vendor support from quite a long time and SAP will not provide any help regarding this.


jangam82 (BOB member since 2011-08-09)

[Moderator Note: Moved from General Discussion to Broadcast Agent (BCA)]

And good luck with such an outdated piece of software :?

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Hi and welc :mrgreen: me to B :mrgreen: B first !
Thank you for this vintage post and question

I can remember Bov5 end of support was 31/12/2007 so you should considerate the servers products of this time. I will check if i found PAR of this time then in this case i will update my post.

you can also try to install bca on a 2008 server by example and see it it runs. In all case you are out of support because bca is quite old so you have not to worry about the fact your platform is not supported if it runs fine for your


bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)