bomain.key file issue***!!***

Hello everyone,
We are in the process of migrating from version 6.0 to 61b.(IIS/WIN2k+SP4)
Currently we have a copy of our Prod repository, on which we are testing the server install.
However during the stage of key generation, I generated one key file for the Prod repository and named it Production.key
I have copied the same file to $INSTALLDIR<node><clusterid>\locadata and renamed it bomain.key
Am I doing this correct? If not then what is the correct procedure to generate a bomain

Rohit :india: (BOB member since 2004-03-23)

First, are you encountering any problems?

Second, please look at this thread.

Third, try a search on BOB, WebI v6 Forum, suggested keywords: bomain.key location

[WebI v6 issue, moved to WebI v6 Forum - Andreas]

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I wanted to verify the correctness of the following approach

Presently I’m just setting up Supervisor to connect to one repository ie. Production. However I donot call the key Production.key …but rather bomain.key
Now after testing is done on the copy of Prod, we want to migrate Qa and Dev also. For these I intend to generate respective keys

So eventually Supervisor(or BO for that matter) will have 3 keys to connect to
Qa and Dev

As a final step could I rename bomain.key to Production.key at the client side so that users see 3 domains to log into?

Rohit :india: (BOB member since 2004-03-23)

Everything you are saying is true.

The only issue you will have is that a WebI server cannot be used with more than 1 key file. You can only have 1 and it MUST be called bomain.key.

If you need to use the same server for test and production, you’ll be very unhappy.

The proper way to do this is to NOT have multiple repositories. The proper way is to use multiple domains. Then, you can move things between domains and use Supervisor to control who has access to the other areas.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)