BODS Error 54003

Hello Guys,

One of our job is giving an 2 different errors as shown below:

    Oracle error message for operation : <ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Process ID: 39595
    Session ID: 34 Serial number: 30782
    (14.1) 05-13-18 21:24:44 (E) (6156:10816) DBS-070301: |Data flow DF_GTFS_TMP_EXPORT_VJ|Loader Query_TMP_GTFS_EXPORT_VJ
    Oracle error message for operation :[color=red] <ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE

    Function call <sql ( OSDE, SELECT IAS_OSDE_P.P_JOB_MANAGEMENT.CREATE_JOB_LOG(‘ERROR’,1,‘50316’,‘GTFS Export Excpetions with 2
    incidence: ;Error occurred when uploading GTFS for contract 2441: Oracle error message for operation
    : <ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    Process ID: 39595
    Session ID: 34 Serial number: 30782
    >.;Error occurred when uploading GTFS for contract 2450: SELECT query <WITH D as
    select CurrDate AS full_date ,to_char( MOD( CurrDate - to_date(‘1/Jan/1000’,‘dd/mm/yyyy’),7)+1 ) as week_day_num
    (SELECT level n,
    – Calendar start’) AS JOB_LOG_ID FROM DUAL ) > failed, due to error <70301>: <Oracle error message for operation
    : <ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    (14.1) 05-13-18 23:27:05 (E) (8244:5380) DBS-070301: |Session 20F_JOB_GTFS_HANDLER_WEEKLY_GEN|Work flow WF_GTFS_HANDLER_WEEKLY_GEN
    Oracle error message for operation : <ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

What could be the issue.
For the first one, i understand the Oracle DB connection must have broken that’s why when i run it manually again it completes successfully. For the second one I cannot identify the reason.
Please suggest

nikhilbods (BOB member since 2018-05-14)