Does anyone know how to show reports run ondemand/scheduled sorted by universe name?
3.1 audit used to be able to do this. But now the object is gone.
I was able to find the unv names listed in ads_event and created a derived table to get me that list of unv’s. But I cant seem to find a link between report and unv to join on.
There appears to be extra characters in the “event detail type”, which is why I used substr. I wanted to be able to use “in list”, and not have to select one by one.
I also self joined all the tables so LANGUAGE=‘EN’. This also probably isnt important, it just bugged me.
That works or you can drag Event Detail Type and Event Detail Value objects in webi and filter Event Detail Type to what you are looking for , for example, universe name.
But I havent been able to display two types of values from Event Detail Type at the same time. Event Detail Type Holds various types of critical info such as universe name, scheduled to address, scheduled from address etc. Can you display Universe Name and To Address and Number of times a report is scheduled in one report block.
Please reply if anyone has been able to do this or knows a way around it in BO 4.0
Interesting, must be due to their use of the CLOB data type. I would select the pieces you want and add a Derived Table. For example for Universe Name use
CAST(aed.Event_Detail_Value AS VARCHAR(256)) AS "Universe Name"
Join to the Event table on Event_ID.
Save the Data Layer, then create a new object in the Business Layer.
For large repositories, this will be slow, and you may need to have your DBA turn it into a Materialized View and run those once a week.