BusinessObjects Board

BO template not found

Hi All,
I am having a strange problem accessing BO(ZABO) 6.1b. When i logon to BO i dont see the menu and tool bar, the BO screen is blank. i get a message that BO template not found. Can anyone help me to fix the problem.


kumar675 (BOB member since 2004-09-08)

I would suggest deinstalling and reinstalling as something is not right.

Some of your files must have gotten corrupted.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I did reinstall , but still the problem persists. I get the message

could not find C:\Document and Settings\username\Mydocument\Mybusiness objects documents\templates\en\BOtemp.ret…application default setting will be used.

I checked the template folder, it is empty. Any clue

kumar675 (BOB member since 2004-09-08)

Check your default location - it may be that you have changed default locations and changed your template file location by mistake.


I restored the default settings, but still i dont see the menu bar. i could create a report but can view just the report, but not the menu bar.

kumar675 (BOB member since 2004-09-08)

I’ve seen this behaviour in 5.1.6
Are you running XP by any chance?
Try minimizing then maximizing as a workaround.

i am using Win2000. I see everything else except Menu bar. its wierd

kumar675 (BOB member since 2004-09-08)

Have you tried a Search? I tried one and found this entry for a similar problem in 5.x. The keywords I used for the search were: menu bar

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

I tried the options from the search , but still couldnt resolve. I am using BO 6.1b thin client.

kumar675 (BOB member since 2004-09-08)