BO Repository in OS/390 v5 DB2

I have created a completely new repository. Exported the “Beach” Universe included with the installed files. Verified with the Supervisor it was there and then reimported it with Designer. It views as expected. I have taken the “Annual” report also included with the BO 5.0 installed sample files. This Report was Published to the Repository. It was then verified with the Supervisor module that is indeed in the documents Domain. However… When I Retrieve Documents from the Corporate Documents option it allows me to bring this report file down to my hard drive - I save it as “testannual.rep” so as not to destroy the original. But when I attempt to open the document I recieve the following error “The file is corrupted and cannot be opened. (FRM0003)” This happens with any reports I attempt to save to the documents domain and then retrieve from any workstations. This Continues with the inability to send any Documents to any users - they also become corrupt. We have been using BO for 5 years in this environment and have had no problems to date. Currently the 4.1.3 environment we are running works but I cannot get 5.0 to work. I have had a trouble ticket with BO open for a Month and a Half and have yet to be offered a resolution. If anyone has any ideas I am willing to try just about anything.

On a side note does anyone have a MANAGERO.UNV for DB2?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hello All,

The file is corrupted and cannot be opened. (FRM0003)

I got this message with V5.0. Our local (South African) BO support told us that they had never had this with BO 5 before. Recently tried with BO 5.01 and this opens all of the documents with no problem.

We also had cases where BO 5.0 would attempt to open the document and then go into a permanent loop - this also disappeared with BO 5.01.

Regards … Kevin Charleston
SA Container Depots
South Africa

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thank you for your reply. I requested the upgrade from BO - once I recieved it I created a new repository and a clean install of 5.0.1 and unfortunately am getting the same results. I can send and recieve Universes to the Repository but am unable to send a Document in any fashion to or through the repository without it becoming corrupted.
Again we do not have this problem in the same environment with version 4.1.3 only with 5.0.

Any other ideas?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I created a new repository and a clean install of 5.0.1 and unfortunately
am getting the same results.

Not sure if it helps - but how are you connecting to DB2? We had major problems with CAE 2.12, but this was with BO 4.16 and 4.17. Those disappeared since we upgraded to CAE 5.2.

BO 5.01 seems to have addressed most of our issues with upgrading, even with creating a clean repository and re-exporting our universes & documents .

Can you open a V4 document with 5.01 - before exporting it to the repository?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)