BO Reader?

Does anyone know of a “BO Reader”-type product, analogous to Adobe Acrobat Reader – a relatively small application that would let users simply view BO REP files? Users of our BO application would like to send non-BO users copies of their reports. Exporting to RTF does not preserve formatting that well, and exporting to HTML generates multiple files – kinda hard to email to individuals!

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation
(281) 514-9445

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Are you aware of the tool made by BusinessObjects called ‘Reader’? I think it does what you are describing (basically a light version of the software), but the catch is that you have to buy 200 copies minimum.

Jason Beard

Does anyone know of a “BO Reader”-type product, analogous to Adobe Acrobat Reader – a relatively small application that would let users simply view BO REP files? Users of our BO application would like to send non-BO users copies of their reports. Exporting to RTF does not preserve formatting that well, and exporting to HTML generates multiple files – kinda hard to email to individuals!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Yes, we are implementing the BO Reader product. It has worked out wonderfully to distribute reports to non-users. We also built a front end menu that allows the user to select a report. A script then automatically retrieves the document from the repository each time. This way, we are sure they always have the newest version of the report and it allows us to track user activity. Though we are just starting to implement, it is working out well. The Reader allows the user to refresh, copy all and paste to excel (export feature is not available), retrieve and send BO documents. They cannot manipulate the report in any way though…only view it. Hope this answers your question.

From: Hurst, Erich[SMTP:Erich.Hurst@COMPAQ.COM]
Sent: Monday, December 21, 1998 9:17 AM

Does anyone know of a “BO Reader”-type product, analogous to Adobe Acrobat Reader – a relatively small application that would let users simply view BO
REP files? Users of our BO application would like to send non-BO users copies of their reports. Exporting to RTF does not preserve formatting that
well, and exporting to HTML generates multiple files – kinda hard to email
to individuals!

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation
(281) 514-9445

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