BO Query Builder to find the report names with associated universe

no - the universe is called: BI platform CMS system database.unx
during installation among the supported DB there is also a CMS driver (DataAccess.CMSDBDriver in response file) whis is used by that universe to access the BO system db data…

how to create a query is quite tricky - see screenshot (by JohnBClark) with available fields:
Reports Based on unx universe from BI platform CMS system database Universe - general discussion - BusinessObjects Board (
I had somewhere some tutorial how to use it - I will look for it.

something tells me I am unable to put here a link to official SAP site but it is KBA 2399962

  • there is written that : Starting with BI 4.2 SP04, the universe and samples can be found in the samples folder of the installation (…\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\Samples\bionbi

yeah the trouble with auditing is there are too many records and any query must be always limited

I am more an admin than a developer - but recently Ive promised to create some overview with report - universe - usage so I will have to create some report as well anyway … probably next week