BO Migration from 5.1 to 6.5


we are migrating 4 universe & some 30 reports from 5.1 to 6.5.
can anyone let me know

how do we do the migration? whats the process?
How do we import users/groups from earlier version?
How do we migrate the reports& universe from earlier version?
Ho do we take a back up of the repository?
What are all the prerequisites for migration?

please help me!

Thanks in Advance!

nirmalabo (BOB member since 2008-07-21)

You will have to do this:
-make a database copy of 5x repository schema.
-Open Supervisor 6x and click admin button.
-select safe recovery and point the copied schema in first step, it will do a repository upgrade.
-create the bomain.key file and save in the two locdata folders on the BOBJ webI server.
Login to supervisor 6x to see the groups/users with other security settings and universes/reports

Backup of repository DB should be done by the DBA
Other prerequisites for migration involves a windows server (2000 or 2003) on which the webI 6x server can be installed either on IIS or Java(Tomcat)
All this should be tested before rolling out to users for UAT(user acceptance)


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)


Also bear in mind that there were changes to the calculation engine from version 5 to version 6. The Business Objects documentation describes the changes and checks required on reports.

Michael Abelha :australia: (BOB member since 2002-08-16)


Thanks a Lot for your Reply!

Can anyone please let me know in detail of how to take a backup of 5.1 repository, i was asked to do this in my Project.

I have the following doubts:

When we create a Repository we will be choosing the Database as (SQL/Oracle etc) right, i just wanted to know what does that database contain, only the connection information or all our (universe domain, Document Domain, Security Domain) Repository.

If it contains only the connection information where do we have all these Domains/Repository? and how do we take a backup/copy the Repository?

I wanna move my 5.1Repository from one Server to another Srever and then upgrade it to 6.5.

nirmalabo (BOB member since 2008-07-21)

In version 5x, the database schema on which the repository was created should be backed up (DBA can help you in this), apart from any other additional document or universe domain created in 5x.
The repository in versions 5x/6x contains the three domains you have mentioned, which holds user security info along with universes,documents etc
If you login to supervisor and go to tools-repository, a list of one or more document and universe domains can be found with one security domain.
After the upgrade is done from 5x to 6x (by using a copy of 5x repository schema), the universe and document domain connection parameters should be changed in order to point to the new repository database… read on


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)

Hi Haider,

Appreciate your Quick Response!

Can you please let me know the detailed steps to take a backup/copy of Repository, because there is no DBA in my Project and i have to do the same.

Thanks in Advance!

bouser81 (BOB member since 2008-08-05)

Normally a DB backup/copy can be done for instance in SQL server as:

  • Ensure that the user(which has the assigned database or owner) exists in destination server.
  • copy or export the existing schema to the same database server or to a different one(from enterprise manager).
  • give appropriate rights to the user (read and write i.e db_reader, db_owner etc) in destination database

I am not a DBA so cannot say the above steps are enough or accurate but should give you an idea on how to go about


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)

Thanks for your Help!

Can anyone help onthis?

bouser81 (BOB member since 2008-08-05)