Can any one point the good reference doc to install BO on unix.
I am looking for a step by step document.
natram (BOB member since 2004-08-09)
Can any one point the good reference doc to install BO on unix.
I am looking for a step by step document.
natram (BOB member since 2004-08-09)
humm, when you said “install BO on Sun solaris”, do you mean Business Objects clients products like reporter, supervisor or designor or server products like webintelligence, broadcast agent and auditor ??
bernard timbal (BOB member since 2003-05-26)
Sorry about the confusion caused, its about server products. The questions like
In unix.
natram (BOB member since 2004-08-09)
I don’t think it’s as windows NT where you have to config dome user’s rights.
On unix, simply create a webiadm user to manage your product but I think, you have to make install as root.
bernard timbal (BOB member since 2003-05-26)
In pre v6 Webi installations (e.g. v2.6.3) on Solaris, you would normally start the install using the root account.
There reaches a point in the installation where it prompts you for a Solaris user account to use as the WEBi administrator. This can be something like webiadmin.
It will then change the permissions on the files it has created from root to the new webiadmin account.
You’d normally create a webiadmin account in a webi group.
The document you are after is called Installation51unixen.pdf. This can be found on the support website.
Miguel Varela (BOB member since 2002-08-15)
anybody has experiance on sun solaris with BO please help me out
where i get document for BO Installtion ON sun solaris
gurumurthy (BOB member since 2004-12-10)
Log into Tech Support. Near the top of the screen, click Enterprise 6 and follow the link to Documentation. Choose Installation and Deployment near the center of the screen, and you will find the many documents that are available, including Unix specific.
Dwayne Hoffpauir (BOB member since 2002-09-19)