On Thu, 29 Apr 1999 14:22:28 -0400, Ioannis Hasandras IHASANDRAS@FTC.GOV
Is anyone out there using GroupWise to send email from BO?
An example script so I can use it for DAS?
Try the script below. We are using GroupWise 5.5.1. Our network people
installed the software, so I am not sure if they needed to install the SDK
in a special way or if it is automatic. Hopefully this will work for you.
Chad Berghorst
Gordon Food Service
sub SendMail (strSubj as String,strMsg as String)
dim GWApp as Object 'NovellGroupWareSession
dim Account As Object
dim NewMail As Object
set GWApp = CreateObject(“NovellGroupWareSession”)
set Account = GWApp.Login(“”, ,“”)
set NewMail = Account.MailBox.Messages.Add
with NewMail
.Recipients.Add (“gw_user”)
.Subject = strSubj
.BodyText = strMsg
.Attachments.Add (ActiveDocument.FullName)
end with
end sub
sub main
dim strMsg as String
dim strSubj as String
on error goto error_handler
strSubj = “Mail test - send report”
strMsg = “It must have worked.”
call SendMail(strSubj, strMsg)
msgbox(“The mail has been sent.”)
exit sub
msgbox("Error " & Err & ": " & Error$)
end sub
Gordon Food Service
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)