BO DB required media recovery, now have other errors

Hi experts. I need a little help here please. I administer a 6.5 BO db from time to time (Fly by night support, as and when required). I discovered that one of the DB files was corrupted and required a media recovery. This was straight forward, db appears to be running ok now. I can connect to BusnessObjects from the server and run reports. However, I cannot connect via the Webi and have found a few services that are not running. If I re-boot the server I get an error ‘The OracleOraHome92NamesBO service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified’ - The file is names.exe and I have run a search for this file and it does not exist on the server. Secondly, the WebIntelligence Cluster service has a status of stopping. I know this service is important in order for BO to be running ok as have done some research. Can anyone shine some light on this for me please. Thanks in advance for your much appreciated assistance in this matter.

P.S. Just to update slightly, I have managed to get the WebIntelligence Cluster service working, password was incorrect (don’t know how password can be changed with out human intervention). Still cannot connect vi webi though

bencouve (BOB member since 2006-05-19)

Have a look at all the services, parameters etc in the configuration manager.
Login to admin console and check for any errors or abnormal settings


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)

Thanks for the reply. Got there in the end, it was the services.

bencouve (BOB member since 2006-05-19)