BO cmd line parameters 5.1.x Vs E6


In Bo v5, we used to lauch Business Objects via shortcuts using single logon (use of kntui50.dll instead off kboui50.dll)

Because we had 3 repository, we had associated each shortcut to a bomain.key using the cmd line parameter “-keyfile toto”

If we launch busobj with single logon and with -keyfile parameters, we still have to validate the Ok button in the keyfile chooser dialogBox

So I have found this tips (I can’t remeber where :oops: )

BUSOBJ.EXE" -user “/” –pass “” –keyfile toto
which let use able to launch Bo directly on the keyfile “toto” without prompting

But It seems not to work in e6!!
Do you know if it exists a new syntax ?

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Moved from Reporter to General Discussion, since it seems to be more of a “configuration” question, than a question about the use of Reporter itself.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)