Just thought I’d give others a heads up. We have been using a universe
design concept of creating “component” universes and then linking them into
various “reporting” universes. The advantage being an object is redefined in
one location and all reporting universes get the update automatically and
consistency is maintained.
As we have been in development mode everything was going smoothly and the
three designers were able to contribute to all reporting universes as
required. We found out about the CORE_ORDER_PRIORITY issue in the
Technica.wri file; which resolved ordering issues that arised.
Problems have now surfaced as we are preparing for production. We are
wanting to have three domains DEV, TEST, and PROD. Unfortunately, we have
found no strategy exists to promote our universes between domains and keep
from breaking reports and maybe even reporting universes. We have tried both
- Import component, export component,import reporting, relink, export
reporting to next domain. - Import reporting, include links, export reporting to next domain.
In both instances the reports break due to not being able to properly
resolve the appropriate universe/object id.
We are to the point of abandoning this strategy and go to the traditional
stand alone universe. It will add to our organizational requirements to
maintain consistency among the universes. (If Jim changes object A and it is
required in two other universes the change will have to be manually done two
more times, ouch.)
If anyone has a great idea I’d enjoy the support.
Terry Boxx
Sr. Program Analyst
(aka Master Universe Designer, M.U.D.)
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)