BusinessObjects Board

BO 6.5 i am totally confused and hating it.

Can someone please clarify some confusion I am having with BO 6.5.1. I am working on upgrading from 5.1.7. I have test server that I am using. I have installed supervisor 5.1.7 using our production BOMAIN.key :cry: on the server. Now I have to upgrade to 6.5.1 . I am going to mimic the current production environment on the is server. I had the DBA to backup the repository to a test database. Now the question is when I run the 6.5 setup and create the new key file and open 6.5 supervisor and it detects an old repository how do i change the repository connections to point to the production backup copy repository? and when i make the change , will this affect the current production environment? I am just totally confused. Thanks for all the help. :cry:

bunkersoverbo :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-16)


There are several posts on that topic.

When you recreate the bomain.key file you will point to the new database. Thus the security domain will be in the new database. BUT take care you need to change in the supervisor the connexions to all your doc and unv domains because there are still pointing to your production repo db.


i guess i am confused on when do i actually make the changes to point to the new database. is this something i will do when i run the safe recovery?

bunkersoverbo :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-16)

You make change for the security domain when you regenerate the new bomains.key file specifying the new database.

After connect using this bomain to your new repo and then change under the supervisor the connexions to doc and unv domains.


just to make sure i am on the same page as you. as the new bomain key is recreated i point to the new database. upon logging into the new version change all document and universe domains to point to the new database.

bunkersoverbo :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-16)

Yes, I believe you’ve got it right. See “How do I move my repository”? from our Supervisor FAQ.

When you create the new BOMain.key, it has the connection to just the new security domain. Only after you’ve been sure to change all connection info for your universe and document domain(s) will your entire repository be pointing to the new location.

If you fail to do this – then anything you do when you think you’re working in the new repository – will affect the original universe and document domains, not the new ones – leading to an unrecoverable situation that folks call “Cross-linked repositories”.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)


That’s exatly what you need to do,

Everything is set under supervisor / Tools / repository. You can have look on what db your domains (sec, unv and doc) are pointing to
