BO 6.1B connection error


I installed BO 6.1B in one of my win2k machine (desktop installation). The installation is successful. However, when I try creating a report using freehand sql the connection fails with following error:
“Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-03121”

The database can be connected through SQL*PLUS…only when tried from BO, it fails…

The database is Oracle 9i on AIX 5.2L

Help please… :roll_eyes:

rkanth :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-12)

Can you connect with a universe?

Connecting with SQL*Plus is a good sign. But there are additional requirements to get BusinessObjects to work. You have to have one Oracle home, for instance. And Oracle needs to be in your path.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

One thing to check is that you don’t have two Oracle homes with different tnsnames.ora files. ORA-03121 error indicates that Oracle does not know which database to connect to. You can use your Oracle tools to check which home you are using - this may be a different to the home that you did have for SQL Plus.

Otherwise, check the ODBC connection - make sure that you are using the Oracle ODBC connection rather than the MS Generic Connection for Oracle.



I got the error solved. I was unable to use any of the connections including the ones in universes. Also, I tried using the updated ODBC driver version …

The problem was with the OCIW32.DLL…this dll was present in the Oracle folder as well as in System32. After renaming the one in SYSTEM32 folder, BO is now able to connect to the Oracle…

Thank you all. :smiley:

rkanth :india: (BOB member since 2004-07-12)