BO 4.3 Webi Report - Missing Send To in File menu

We are using Business Objects 4.3 SP3 Patch 500.
When a user refreshes a report, they are unable to Send to report to another user’s inbox.

In 4.2, from the refreshed report window, you could click on Send To then Select Inbox. This does not seem to be present in 4.3.


Thank you in advance

Well i can do:

ctrl. alt T as a shortcut

But I have another topic with sending bo reports in 4.3.3x - the temporary storage deleted any successfull sendings logs immediatley - well better than prev. version where also the errors where gone…

  • Wobi

Thank you, but that option is missing on our Webi.

So that would mean the option is deactivated -can the administrator see the menu item?
I deactivated the FHSQL once - for User groups and then wondered the missing option…

  • Wobi, wondering

the Administrator user account can not see it either. Not sure hw to reenable this.

check if the destination “BI Inbox” is available in the destination-settings of your AdaptiveJobServer


Thank you. This is enabled in the AJS destinations. We are able to send to Inboxes from the main list of reports, but when we open the report in WebI, this feature is not available.

check if “Export to” is set in the “User group” → “Customization”

Yes, everyting in Features is anabled.

be shure to test with „Administrator“ account and not with a User that has the Admin-role

Thank you. I have tested with the built in Administrator account and still the Send To is not available. Working with SAP, but they have not been able to resolve the issue either.

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