BO 4.3 SP03 Patch 4 SAP Authentication Error


I prepared a new BO for upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3 sp03 patch 4, But I am facing with a weird issue at SAP Authentication settings. I make the same settings with old 4.2 on 4.3 for SAP Authentication but I can not login with same user in new machine BO 4.3. I get the Error like;
Account information not recognized: Failed while trying to log on user XUSER. RFC error: “ID:DA Type:E Number:300 STRING (USER_OR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT)” (FWM 00013)

This user has no problem with BO 4.2 login with SAP Authentication. Just after I tried to login with SAP Authenticaion on new machine BO 4.3, I tried to access SAP Authentication system on SAP GUI I get this message.

Can anyone help me ?

The Best, Onur

Hi All,

The problem solved with update to SAP BO 4.3 SP04.

The Best, Onur