Has anyone else observed that when reports are migrated to BI4.3.x from either a BI4.2.x environment or another BI4.3.x environment, that the Add Attachment option for scheduling the report is checked by default after the migration?
Here is the scenario:
- A report exists in a source environment (either BI4.2.x or 4.3.x) and has email configured as the default destination. In this environment the Add Attachment option is unchecked.
- The report is migrated to a 4.3.x environment, either through the Promotion Management graphical interface or using the lcm_cli.bat command line option.
- After migration, the report now has the Add Attachment option checked.
This issue has been replicated in BI4.3sp1patch8 and in BI4.3sp2 by us. SAP Support has also reproduced the issue internally.
Has anyone else observed this issue?
Does this cause any problems for your usage of Business Objects?
If this causes problems for you, have you found a way around it?