BI Platform 4.3 SP03 Patch 100

Has anybody tried BI Platform 4.3 SP03 (with or without Patch 100) ? The new features in webI seem very interesting.


Just installed a couple of days ago and starting essential testing. Once this is complete will begin looking at new features.

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I have installed the server part and so far so good, this went well. First we’ll verify if everything works like before and then we’ll be looking at the new features.

But taking a peek at the new ‘Combine data’ feature I found already this one : Note 3270462

I’m running it now, patched to 101, issue with complex filters, unable to modify those queries - patch does fix this.
Mostly works pretty well, coming from 4.2 sp7, just growing pains with the new look and feel.


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We run SP3 Patch 100. We have various issues : complex filters, unable to upload webI-documents to BI Launchpad (only by the client),…Because of the issue with complex filters, we are planning to patch up to 300. But we’re not sure how to handle the client installs. Anybody have tips on this ?