BI 4.0 _ Auditing reports

I have a requirement in which we wish to create a report which gives a summary of all our reports (or in particular folders) that are in scheduling with their next run time and how many times they were scheduled past .

  1. I have tried using query builder. It partially does the job but it does not show the result as a report block which I can send over to others. Not a user friendly display.

  2. I’ve got the auditing universe working that is provided by SAP. However there are no objects that display next run time or # of runs info.

I’m working with Business Intelligence 4.0 version. Will appreciate if anyone has a suggestion or solution to this.

Thanks You!

H_BI (BOB member since 2014-01-13)

The audit report will not help, as audit database only records the user action and event data. Also Audit database will only have list of reports which is run at least one.

The best option is for you is getting the data from BO repository. There are many tools available, but the best I found is following


dineshku (BOB member since 2008-05-26)

Thanks Dinesh! This is an excellent tool and helps out a lot.
However, it did not give me info regarding reports’ next run time, last run time, or #of runs.

H_BI (BOB member since 2014-01-13)