I am installing BO 6.1 and BCA publisher on a system.
I have installed BO 6.1 and BCA publisher.
I have the Webi Services up and running.(OLAP cache manager, webi DTS amnager, and Webi cluster)
However I am not seeing the services BCA Publisher application service in the windows services list.BCA Publication support service is running fine .
So I went BO installed folder and clicked on the BCAPublisher.exe file
I am getting an error like :" jvm.dll not found "
JVM issue. Maybe a Java Virtual Machine issue. have you one installed. did you check the requirements on PDF help files ? which JRE have you installed. Maybe it is too recent as this Bo software is now quite old
I got it resolved.
The issue was with the system path.
we have to go to environemntal varuiables and make sure that the USER variables TEMP and TMP set to c:/temp
Also under system variables, the path should contain location of the jvm.dll file.Normally it resides under jvm/bin/server/bin of the BO directory.
The BCA Publisher application will appear in the services after this.
But It wont start unless the BO Publisher main key is generated .