BCA Problems


I am having two problems with BCA,

(1) When I try to run a report manually, I get the error [CORBA Error BCB0008] The schdeuler cannot be contacted. It may not be connected [BCB0006].

I have tried stopping and starting monitoring the BCA but that has nopt solved the problem.
All reports do run at scheduled times

(2) There are some reports that fail with the (302) An exception error has occured, I do not know how to sort this problem, some other times resending the document would do a trick but not anymore.

I have BO ver 6.1a on BCA SERVER with Win 2000.

Please assist!!!


Thabileg (BOB member since 2003-11-04)

We had a similar problem.It was found to some installation glitch.Once we reinstalled the BCA it workd.May be some issue with Win2K service pack.Hope you are using SP4.Just a wild guess

haribalakrishnan (BOB member since 2003-04-10)


Thanks for your response, we are using SP4 but have not decided on re-installing. Maybe eventually will do that if I don’t find anything at all.


Thabileg (BOB member since 2003-11-04)

Hi there, i was wondering whether anyone has now solved the problem for this or at least can tell me what
“(302) An exception has occured” actually means? ive recently picked up the same error after trying to schedule a report to run a macro which will refresh the report and export all the reports as html.

it works when i manually run the macro but when i place it into the BCA i get the following error
“(302) An excpetion has occured”

bradley (BOB member since 2005-02-28)