BCA not visible in InfoView

I am trying to schedule a document through BCA from InfoView. I am unable to see any Refresh Options on the Publish page.

The Broadcast Agent is up and running. The group and the users have scheduling documents enabled. We can schedule documents through BCA from the full-client logged in as the same person.

Any ideas?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

One thing, you can’t schedule full client jobs via Webi - that what you are trying?
Also, you can limit that ability, is it shut off? try making a report in webi and doing a send / scheduled refresh - if that works, you are set up ok…

Good luck,

I am trying to schedule a document through BCA from InfoView. I am unable
to see any Refresh Options on the Publish page.

The Broadcast Agent is up and running. The group and the users have scheduling documents enabled. We can schedule documents through BCA from
the full-client logged in as the same person.

Any ideas?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

How should I configure Infoview so that the Broadcast Button would be visible in the Navigation menu. :confused:

ReNeeX (BOB member since 2004-09-21)

Hi there,

Assuming you’re using IIS - which is all v5 BCAP will work with really - your best bet is to probably reinstall publisher as the installation process should do it for you.

Also - and don’t quote me on this - I think there may have been information in the appendices of the install guide on how to hack your WIS files. Although that is unsupported so yada yada ya… :sleeping:. You also might want to check techsupport for an article on it - might be under a section how to configure 5.6 for unix (essentially hacking the wis to point the broadcast button to an IIS server!).

Reinstalling is your best bet though…



mart (BOB member since 2004-02-10)

I did ask the question …

because I still have not installed BCA Publisher then. After installing BCA Publisher in our test maschine, the Broadcast menu button is now visible :wink: .

However, now Im wondering because upon installation of the BCA Publisher, 2 services were added in the test maschine - namely: BCA Publisher Web Application and BCA Publisher Web Support . In our client’s existing BO Application maschine however, where WebI as well as BCAP are installed, the 2 services mentioned cannot be found! Anybody can tell me how this could happen?

:shock: Perplexed

ReNeeX (BOB member since 2004-09-21)

Are you sure that BCAP is installed on the same server? Perhaps You have a cluster with WebI on one server and BCAP on a different server? If BCAP is definitely on the same machine, then that is a bit weird… BCAP shouldn’t work without those services… If BCAP works then there is something very strange going on…

Possibly a failed installation? Can you successfully create publications?

gutted (BOB member since 2002-10-10)

How can I find out if BCAP works properly? Is the Broadcast menu in the Infoview ‘connected’ with BCAP? If yes, then my answer is that BCAP does not function properly. When I clicked on the Broadcast menu, I get the message:

ReNeeX (BOB member since 2004-09-21)

The Broadcast button when clicked on will try to contact the BCAP Web Application Service, so if it’s not there then that probably explains the problem.

Have you tried reinstalling the one without the services? And it’d probably be sensible to reinstall the pre-reqs before reinstalling BCAP…



mart (BOB member since 2004-02-10)