BCA DA0005 Error


I am running a report using a universe that looks at Dbase files (dbf).

When running the report interactively on the BCA server it runs without any issues. When I run it through the BCA, I am recieving the following error:

b Connection or SQL sentence error: (DA0005): [[Microsoft][ODBC dBase Driver] ‘(unknown)’ is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.-1023] …[/b]

Any ideas how to solve this problem (apart from getting rid of the Dbase files)?

ozbob :australia: (BOB member since 2003-05-12)

If it is running ok on the same server as BCA runs it then it sounds like you dont have a system DSN defined for the DBase files.

Maybe you set up a user DSN ? If BCA is not running as the user who created the User DSN then it will not find it.

darrenjmarsden (BOB member since 2004-05-26)

Thanks for the suggestion but the DSN is set up as a system DSN…

ozbob :australia: (BOB member since 2003-05-12)