Need Assistance on How to Restore FRS/CMS db from one server to another server. We are on SAP BI 4.2, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Oracle 19c
We took the backup of FRS/CMS from Legacy system A to New Server B.
Tried the KBA 1275068 - Backup & Restore but the challenge is Legacy Server SIA is not running on the Server B. Can someone send the steps to restore SIA on New server? that would be really helpful.
We want to replicate All servers that exist in the Legacy system to New Server. Any suggestion or steps would really help.
Have you investigated to see if the Promotion Management Wizard would work for your situation?
What do you mean by “restore”? Are you trying to copy the CMS db via CCM? Or are you trying to copy vis SDK scripts? The standard procedure is described in: