Is there a way to send a status e-mail based on the completion of a BO report? I would like to run a scheduled integrity check report and then send out a notification.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Is there a way to send a status e-mail based on the completion of a BO report? I would like to run a scheduled integrity check report and then send out a notification.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
This should be possible…but the report should run on DAS and the NTBox on which DAS is residing should have Outlook installed in it. You need to send this report with a small custom script into DAS. Do let me know if you want the script…
Is there a way to send a status e-mail based on the completion of a BO report? I would like to run a scheduled integrity check report and then send out a notification.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Here is what I use. This report is triggered when all of the other reports have finished. I have attached the SQL for the query (your database will obviously have a different name), and have attached the script that you want to run against the report with that query.
The end result is a neat HTML document that gets emailed out to whoever needs to watch the status.
Simon Miller
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Hi Simon,
right(businessobjects…obj_m_documents.m_doc_c_name,45), DATEADD(second,(convert(decimal,(businessobjects…ds_pending_job.SUBMIT_DATE TIME))),‘1970-12-14 19:00:00.000’) ‘Submit Date/Time’,DATEADD(second,(convert(decimal,(businessobjects…ds_pending_job. START_DATETIME))),‘1970-12-14 19:00:00.000’) ‘Start Date/Time’, DATEADD(second,(convert(decimal,(businessobjects…ds_pending_job.END_DATETIM E))),‘1970-12-14 19:00:00.000’) ‘End
Date/Time’,businessobjects…ds_pending_job.JOB_STATUS,businessobjects…ds_pe nding_job.JOB_ERROR,businessobjects…ds_pending_job.ERROR_TEXTfrom businessobjects…ds_pending_job, businessobjects…obj_m_documents where businessobjects…ds_pending_job.document_id =businessobjects…obj_m_documents.m_doc_n_id
Is the above SQL for an Oracle Db. Whats the logic for converting the Date/time values in BO repository into normal readable format?
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Hi Nilesh,
I should have specified that it is for SQL server, where you could just run that statement on that platform. For Oracle, however you will have to make modifications.
The logic is this:
a) The date ‘1970-12-14 19:00:00.000’ is adjusted for my time zone (Eastern). You can search previous emails in the archives on UTC date format messages or the \freeware\repository folder on the CD for future details. b) Take the ds_pending_job.START_DATETIME and ds_pending_job.END_DATETIME and change the data type to decimal. These are the number of seconds elapsed since December 15, 1970 at 00:00:00.000
c) The DATEADD function returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the specified date. The paramaters are the format for the result (in my case seconds, the interval (i.e. number of seconds) and the date/time to add the interval to.
Hope this clears things up.
Simon Miller
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)