BusinessObjects Board

Auditing in Business Objects XI 3.1

Hello All,

We have recently implemented BO XI R3.1 SP2 on windows server 2003 and we need to implement auditing in BO. Would like to know that if auduting is turned on, does it impact the performance of Webi reports and dashboards? Is there some option thru which we can enable/disable the audit as and when required?
We would like to audit the following events: i) user log on ii) log off and iii)document refreshed for Webi reports.
I have found a good post on auditing : BO XI 3.1 Auditing. But would like to know that for auditing, do we need to have a separate schema in business objects repository database?
Any help on this matter would be great.


mphadke (BOB member since 2009-09-11)

The vendor guide xi3-1_bip_admin_en - Chapter 13 and 14 answers all your questions except the performance issue.

Re performance - depends on your installation - audit events are created on a lcal directory and the periodically written up to the database - if these entities are local (close network wise) to your BOE system then the overhead should be minimal.

MikeD :south_africa: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)