Any way to tell last time a user logged in?


We have remote locations of business objects users and we want to be able to
tell if a user has ever logged in or the last time they logged in. Is there
any way to do this remotely?



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

At 10:27 AM 1/7/99 -0600, you wrote:


We have remote locations of business objects users and we want to be able to
tell if a user has ever logged in or the last time they logged in. Is there
any way to do this remotely?



Hi Julie:
One of the solutions would be to write a simple script that gets executed
everytime a user logs on to BO. The script would simply insert a record
into the database with user’s information etc. It is sort of like writing
an audit utility. I think there has been some discussion on this before on
the list – look in the archives under Audit.

Chander Aggarwal

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)