Aging Based on Max Date

I have a requirement to calculated the Aging of Materials based last Posting Date for the specific material movements ( ie Goods Receipts inwards)

My Data Sources are;
Bex 1 : Current Stock Position.
Bex 2 : Material Doc – with Posting date

Each Bex Query has an associated Webi query, with data merging based on the following Object :
Plant; Material, Batch.
Bex 2 has multi reference for Posting date.
I have created the following logic to obtain the Max /High date occurred for each unique reference for Plant; Material; Batch
=Max([Posting date - Key])In ([Stock ].[Plant - Key];[Stock ].[Material w/Source Sy - Key];[Stock ].[Batch - Key])

All the above meeting my requirement of uniquely identifying the Last date of the Movement, my issue is how to now calculated the aging of the MaxDate to Current Date.

=DaysBetween([Last Posting Date];CurrentDate())

Result : #Unavailable.

All advise and proposals very welcome

SusanG (BOB member since 2015-11-06)

I have created a temporary work around.

I have more the front end reporting output from Webi to Bex Analyser WorkBook.

In the Workbook I am using Excel logic to lookup the required values and then excel formulas to execute the required calculates.

SusanG (BOB member since 2015-11-06)