Hi. Do you know how we can get a list of groups that are assigned to universe and their assigned access levels (using AdminTools?)
malgorzata_r (BOB member since 2017-08-03)
Hi. Do you know how we can get a list of groups that are assigned to universe and their assigned access levels (using AdminTools?)
malgorzata_r (BOB member since 2017-08-03)
Security rights are not exposed via CMS queries. You will need to use the SDK.
joepeters (BOB member since 2002-08-29)
Thank you for respond! I’ve just start working with BO so my knowledge is not big. Is it possible co create automatic report or export that data (universe, assigned groups, assigned security levels)? How to do it? In CMC - Universe I can see User Security but I can’t export it
malgorzata_r (BOB member since 2017-08-03)
If you’re comfortable with Java, you can use my SeeSec script.
joepeters (BOB member since 2002-08-29)