Hi All,
I am trying to add conditions from VBA taking the input values in the in list from a text file. I am successfully able to add the condtion but it accepts only 255 objects in the ‘In List’ ’ condition. I have more than 255 objects in the 'In list condition. So what I had done is spilt the objects in the flat file into strings of 255 and replace the string in the CONDTITION.ADD command.
I have put aloop and it will replace each string. Now what it should do is add as many conditions as the number of strings generated. But I am facing a problem here. When I am putting the CONDITIONS.ADD in a loop it is not adding as many conditions as the number of strings but it is overwriting the conditions and the last condtion added remains there. I am pasting my code below:
Sub temp() 'Reading the text file
Dim a As Integer
Dim sequence As Integer
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemobject")
Set wfile = fs.openTextfile(Trim(UserForm1.TextBox1))
'Counting no of input values
inti = count_no_of_lines()
MsgBox (inti)
inti = (inti / 255) + 1
MsgBox (inti)
ReDim strData(inti)
inti = 0
blank = 0
'Converting input values into strings
Do While Not wfile.atendofstream
counter = counter + 1
If counter > 255 Then
strData(inti) = strtext
inti = inti + 1
strtext = ""
counter = 0
End If
singleline = wfile.readline
If singleline = "" Then
blank = blank + 1
If strtext = "" Then
strtext = singleline
strtext = strtext + "," + Trim(singleline)
End If
End If
MsgBox (blank)
strData(inti) = strtext
For a = 0 To UBound(strData) - 1
MsgBox strData(a)
Set wfile = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
Function count_no_of_lines()
Dim inti
Set fs1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemobject")
Set wfile1 = fs1.openTextfile(Trim(UserForm1.TextBox1))
inti = 1
Do While Not wfile1.atendofstream
inti = inti + 1
Set wfile1 = Nothing
Set fs1 = Nothing
count_no_of_lines = inti
End Function
Function Read_text_Add() 'Creatint BO query
Dim i, con_count, con_count1 As Integer
strReportName = Application.ActiveDocument.Name
Set doc = Application.Documents(strReportName)
Set dp = doc.DataProviders(1)
Set qy = dp.Queries.Item(1)
Set cons = qy.Conditions
con_count = cons.Count
'Calling function temp for converting the given input file in string
'storing values input from the form into variables
classname = Trim(UserForm1.txtClassName)
objectname = Trim(UserForm1.txtObjectName)
conditionname = Trim(UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value) 'UserForm1.txtCondition
If classname = "" And objectname = "" And conditionname = "" Then
MsgBox "Report not refreshed successfully"
End If
'Adding the conditions
For i = 0 To UBound(strData) - 1
'Dim str_text As String
str_text = ""
str_text = strData(i)
strnull = Add_Condition(classname, objectname, conditionname, str_text)
Next i
End Function
Function Add_Condition(ByVal classname As String, ByVal objectname As String, ByVal conditionname As String, ByVal strtext2 As String) 'Creatint BO query
Dim doc As busobj.Document
Dim con As Condition
Dim cons As Conditions
strReportName = Application.ActiveDocument.Name
Dim string1 As String
string1 = strtext2
Set doc = Application.Documents(strReportName)
Set dp = doc.DataProviders(1)
Set qy = dp.Queries.Item(1)
Set cons = qy.Conditions
Application.Interactive = False
Set con = cons.Add(classname, objectname, conditionname, string1)
Application.Interactive = True
End Function
I am unable to find a solution. Can anybody please help?
Thanks in Anticipation,
Vikram Jain.
vikram_kumar (BOB member since 2004-02-10)