Adding Custom Strategy for Table Structure in Universe


One “trick” to getting the tables in the other instance to show up in the BusinessObjects structure window so you can create objects from these tables is to change the universe connection string. Of course, then, the tables in the first instance won’t show up. If you perform an integrity check on universe, you will get errors. As long as the long term connect string has read access to all the tables, the user queries will run fine.

Best Regards, Lori
SAGE Solutions, Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Parameter Window


I am not sure what the proper keyword is for ‘TYPE’. I guessed ‘STRUCTURE’, ‘TABLE’ etc.

the proper keyword is ‘STRUCT’.
the other two keywords for external strategies are ‘OBJECT’ and ‘JOIN’.

You can find this information in the ‘Designer Guide’ on page 73.

It worked for us with a text file based table strategy.

In the file STSRVge.txt is the entry:

NAME=Table Strategy


HELP=Choose this strategy to import the table structure into Business Objects.

The referenced file tables.txt looks like this:

testdb businessobjects table1 column1 C Y testdb businessobjects table2 column1 C Y

hope this helps,


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)