I am new to scripting and could not find how to do this in the BO scripting manual.
I am trying to set up a nightly extract from an Oracle 7.3 database using BOI to a flat text file for use by a custom VB app. My question is quite simple: what parameters does filesaveas take? I imagine that options would include a filename and a file format.
Sub main
Dim com as BOCommand
set com = Application.Commands.Item(filesaveas) com.Execute
End Sub
Regards, Linda Caron
Andersen Consulting at Texas Instruments (972) 927-6339 lcaron@ti.com
The following script will export for example the audit.rep file as tab delimited text. However you may have to get rid of headers etc. before exporting.
Sub Main
Dim rep as BOReport
Dim doc as BODocument
Set Doc = Application.Documents.Open(“C:\BusinessObjects\UserDocs\audit.rep”) ActiveDocument.Refresh
Set rep = ActiveDocument.Reports.Item(1) rep.ExportAsText(“Audit”)
end sub
This will save the report as a file “Audit.txt”. Hope it works.
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Author: Linda Caron lcaron@TI.COM at Internet
Date: 7/20/98 2:06 PM
I am new to scripting and could not find how to do this in the BO scripting manual.
I am trying to set up a nightly extract from an Oracle 7.3 database using BOI to a flat text file for use by a custom VB app. Regards, Linda Caron
Andersen Consulting at Texas Instruments (972) 927-6339 lcaron@ti.com