4.1 repository with 4.0 users gotchas? We are using 4.0.5

gotchas?" (Oct 13, 10:02am)


We have been using 4.0.5 clients with repository created by 4.1 software for last few months. We do have several domains in our repository which we use for Production and Migration. The reason we used 4.1 to create the repository was to ensure the migration. This way we do not have to change the repository when our users move to 4.1. Did not have any problems so far. There are a few issues regarding a few priveleges that you can only set using 4.1 and not with 4.05 etc., but nothing major.

Hope this helps…

-Sagar Anisingaraju

On Oct 13, 10:02am, Michael Malone wrote:

We are using SQL Server 6.5.


Sagar Anisingaraju

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)