2037 year in unfinished documents


Hi Simon,

I remember you having posted a question about the UTC year 2037 in the documents which are unfinished.
What was the problem and what was the explanation for that ? The job status shows ‘2’ which is not documented in the freeware. What does ‘2’ stand for ?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Ashish,

From the Freeware CD:
JOB_STATUS : indicates whether the jobs is successful, failed,… Success = 0, Failure = 1, Waiting = 2, Running = 3, Suspended = 4, Retrying (1)=1001, Retrying (2)=1002, Retrying (3)=1003, Retrying (4)=1004, Retrying (5)=1005, Expired=1006
The year 2037: this is the year that I see when a document has not completed running. It is as if DAS throws a date way out into the future instead of leaving it blank until it is available. I have not seen any other explanation.
I don’t think that it is a problem, just a cause for some confusion. If the job status is not 0 then you need to ignore the end/completed dates. Simon

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)