BusinessObjects Board

10k rows of data, display in multiple components, aggregated

I am kind of stuck here. I had data about 150 rows up until yesterday and today a new requirement came in to show employees on the dashboard, which makes my data grow up to 10k rows.

I was using a listbox with filtered rows option to show my data that was 150 rows in 3 components, now i have to enter another component to show data for employees. But i have 10k rows, how can i make this work for ALL the components and use the same listbox and filtered rows etc.

I know i hardly make sense, but someone knows my pain :expressionless:

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

Ouch! Hard to comment without knowing your situation. 10k is a lot of data to show on a dashboard! But then you already know that …

Sympathies. Especially in trying to convince the customer just why it’s a silly idea…


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)

Thank you Debbie, i appreciate the sympathy :slight_smile:

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

Divide employees by range (example last name). Put a dropdown edit box with showing letters A to Z for last names. When dashboard user chooses a last name starting with “R”, run a query to get all last names starting with “R” and display them in a list box.

Then user can choose a specific employee name, Dashboard runs a query in background to get info for that user and displays in other components.

Hope this helps.

shekar25 (BOB member since 2004-05-11)

Yeah, you need to find ways to avoid having 10K rows in your dashboard. That’s just not going to work.

Pre-aggregate where possible. This may mean creating multiple connections that seem redundant, but are aggregated slightly differently.

If the requirement is that the user be able to drill down to the employee level, then set up the connection such that only a given employee is returned based on a filter.

It’s likely to require some significant redesign work. Try to explain it to them as the difference between doing a presentation for just the C-level executives, and doing a presentation for an all-hands meeting. You can’t just use the same meeting room and talk louder when you invite the whole company.

Lugh (BOB member since 2009-07-16)

Thank you guys, will keep those in mind.

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

Just to give you guys an update:

I created my humongous query and then created a prompt on the employee’s department, since i am using a list box with filtered rows, i set the prompt to grab the value from the selection and fire the query upon the cell change, so now it only brings in just the right amount of rows 8) :lol:

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)