(109) The following data providers ... (DMA0007)

I am having problems while refreshing a document through BCA. Full Client installed in my m/c is 5.1.2 and BCA on the server is 5.5.8. The document has 2 dataproviders; one of them is an excel file located on the BCA server. It was working fine with the previous version of BCA (5.1.2), but after upgrading to the later version it fails to refresh the data from excel file with the error message

(109) The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed … (DMA0007).

I tried using actual physical path to the file ie. I:<dir_name>\file_name and UNC ie. \<server_name><dir_name>\file_name. <dir_name> directory has full access to all users.

I also tried to use text file instead of excel but again the same error. Any suggestions please. Thanks

girik (BOB member since 2004-04-21)

Welcome to BOB! It’s worth searching for that error message, just to become familiar with some of the causes. I would be keen for you to open the report in Full Client on the BCA server and see what happens when you refresh?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Thanks Nick

None of the reasons for the error code apply in my case. There was a similar problem faced by one other user, I tried that and it worked.

I had to edit the report in the new version of Full client (5.1.8) on the server, delete the dataprovider which had the problem and create another dataprovider with exactly the same settings (with path to the excel file defined using drive ie. I:\Data …). This sorted out the problem. I think it is a problem with versions being incompatible. You would usually expect upward compatibility, but not in this case.

I then tried the other way around: opening the same report in the client m/c (BO 5.1.2). I could successfully refresh the data, but one of variables that uses the data from the excel file is in error. In other words data from the new dataprovider is not accessible to the variables (not even newly created variables).

Anyways, the problem is resolved (temporarily) for now as users only access the HTML created from the report and not the BO report itself.

girik (BOB member since 2004-04-21)

I am using Unix server, how can I rectify this problem?
Can anybody of them tell step by step process to solve this problem?

NirmalKumar.S (BOB member since 2006-01-13)

I encounter this problem in BCA 652 trying to schedul a flat file based DP (Xls spreadsheet)

In the BCA console, I have the “(109) The following data providers … (DMA0007)” error message.

When I try to refresh in an interactive way this same report connecting me to the BCA server with BO full client, the report is refreshed without problem.

Any idea ? This is again a new bug ?? Thank you for advance for your advice

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Bernard, could it be as simple as the BCA user not having rights to the folder containing the spreadsheet? I assume you used UNC?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

the bca nt account is administrator of the box and it is a local c:\tmp folder where the xls file was stored so we can think he has all rights on it :expressionless:

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

I’ve the same problem and I am REALLY sure, that it is OK with rights and path, because I’ve requested from responsible department for details and got positive response.

I guess, this can be caused by not suitable time limit for updating or row quantity limit. It means that when we refresh - some of DP’s retrieves too much data and returns an error.

But in my case when one huge DP crashes - strange, but other DP’s return data only to remote full client, not BCA.

Am I right and what should I check to clarify that?

vorontsoff (BOB member since 2006-04-03)

Has anyone found any solution for this problem?
We have some reports created using OLAP connect in 5.x and they are running fine on BCA.
Recently we migrated them on 6.5 and reports start failing due to DMA0007 error…
Surprising thing is each day some reports fail due to this error … The reports fail today may be different from the reports failed yesterday. And reports failed yesterday may run successfully to day… So, any report may fail any day and the same may run successfully the following day. It is quite inconsistent.
Another intersting thing is the same reports run fine when refreshed manually on server or client machine.
We have some other universe based reports which run fine on BCA ;so it cannot be a BCA problem.
Is there in any bug in 6.5 BCA using OLAP connect? Or is this due to Migration?
Any one has any idea?
Thanks in Advance for any help

bovn (BOB member since 2005-09-29)

Dont know if someone out there is still looking for an answer for this, but I hit this issue while migrating a BO 6.1 to BOXI3.1 SP4, so had to manually bring all the reports over.

The way around this issue is to login into Business Objects 6.1(now deski), Click on Tools --> Universes --> Click Refresh

This should update list of available universes and this error doesnt pop up then.

Hope this helps.

rizwanali :uk: (BOB member since 2010-02-05)