MS SQL Server NO NO Y YES ANSI_92 YES " + UNION YES UNION INTERSECT NO INTERSECT EXCEPT NO EXCEPT YES Y Y +' '+ Q N N Y Y YES NO YES NO Y MDY 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:m:s' . N$ COALESCE {fn year($D)} datepart(qq,$D) {fn month($D)} + - * / NOT OR AND IS NOT NULL IS NULL >= <= = != > < IN NOT IN LIKE NOT LIKE BETWEEN AND NOT BETWEEN AND substring($1,$2,$3) upper($1) lower($1) right($1,$2) ltrim($1) abs($1) round($1,$2) sqrt($1) min($1) max($1) avg($1) sum($1) count($1) ceiling($1) floor($1) Datename($1,$2) acos($1) asin($1) atan($1) atan2($1,$2) cos($1) sin($1) tan($1) degrees($1) exp($1) log($1) log10($1) power($1,$2) radians($1) sign($1) rand($1) pi() ascii($1) char($1) charindex($1,$2) difference($1,$2) patindex($1,$2) replicate($1,$2) reverse($1) rtrim($1) soundex($1) space($1) str() stuff($1,$2,$3,$4) Convert() {fn cot($1)} {fn mod($1,$2)} {fn concat($1,$2)} {fn left($1,$2)} {fn length($1)} convert (SMALLDATETIME, {fn CURDATE()}) {fn dayofweek($1)} {fn dayofmonth($1)} {fn dayofyear($1)} {fn week($1)} {fn month($1)} {fn year($1)} datepart(qq,$1) {fn locate($1,$2)} isnull($1) @prompt($1,'A',,,) @prompt($1,'N',,,) @prompt($1,'D',,,) CASE $1 WHEN $2 THEN $3 ELSE $4 END convert(char,$1) convert(char,$1)