ZABO Client Hung for 15 Minutes

We use BO 6.01a.
In case some ZABO user cancel his ZABO client (open window’s task-maneger ,select “zabo task” and push “task cancel button”) other ZABO user Hung up for 15minutes.

In detail:
User accessing DBMS table and because of “low query performance” try to cancel his ZABO. after that other user( try to query “same DBMS table” previouse user cancelled his query) hung about 15minutes.

[Edited to remove ALL CAPS from subject. Also moved to General Discussion as this is not a Reporter issue. Thanks. - Dave]

TOMONORI ISHIDA (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

It depends on your database, but…

Since ZABO connections MUST be Synchronous, most ZABO queries cannot be cancelled. They will hang until the database has finished the query or until the WIQT process times out.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I check the dbms activity with the “sql activity trace”.And find that during the hung up time all dbms request(both CANCELED and other hunging up users request) has finished correctly(and it takes only few minutes.) It seems noting wrong between “BO” and “dbms”.but the session still hung up until 15minutes .
I also change the "WIQT time out value" to 10minutes , but no effect.(It takes 15minutes to release ZABO client)

I suspect any kind of locking mechanism to universe db ?

  • There are 3 BO servers (phisically separated) but all ZABO client hung.
  • During hung-up time ,without BO (such as “excel odbc access”)
    the target table can access correctly

Are there any shared resource between separated BO server ?
except “universe

TOMONORI ISHIDA (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

No shared resources anywhere. The fact that you are on 6.1a is a concern. You should download the release notes for 6.1b. There were about 250 things fixed to improve the stability of the suite. You may be just chasing shadows.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)