Xls File

In a message dated 99-03-04 15:48:17 EST, you write:

    I am generating a report with 2 queries and one .xls file using data

In query 1 I have fileds A, B, C
In query 2 I have fields A, B, C, D
From Xls I have fields A, B, C, E, F, G

     I generate a report pulling A, B, C, C, E, F, G
     I apply break on A
     I apply sum on D, E, F, G as they are all measures.

     Now For each A , at break, I have one sum and at the end I have one

Grand Sum.
The problem is at each break, the sum is correct for D (which is in
query 2) but the sum for E, F, and G (which is from xls file) is the grand
for each break. It is not providing the sum at each level.

You have to “link” the data providers on A, B, and C. You do this by using the
Data Manager window (click on Data then View from the main menu bar). By
selecting object “A” from the first data provider, you can then use the “Link
To” button to connect the data to data provider 2 and 3. Do the same thing
with objects B and C.

The “Link To” button is on the “Definition” tab of the Data Manager window,
and it is only enabled after you click on a dimension object.

The reason you are getting the grand total at each break level is because
BusObj does not have any way to “map” the rows of data from your spreadsheet
into the rows of data from your other data providers. Since the objects are
measures, they are being “projected” (summed) to the highest possible level,
which is the overall total. After linking your dimensions you should not see
the same problem.

The reason object “D” is working properly, is I suspect that query 1 and query
2 are from the same universe. BusObj automatically links the common dimensions
from two queries from the same universe.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)