Does anyone know if BO 5.x will be certified for the forthcoming release of XP SP2?
Nick Daniels (BOB member since 2002-08-15)
Does anyone know if BO 5.x will be certified for the forthcoming release of XP SP2?
Nick Daniels (BOB member since 2002-08-15)
Just had a look on the MS site.
If you’ve got a HP LaserJet 8150 Printer, you will not be able to print after installing SP2. In order to use this printer, you must reinstall the printer driver after you have installed SP2.
If you’re using SQL Server, this article will be of interest.
Can’t see anything specific related to B.O. though
Don’t see how it could be. Perhaps 5.1.9 will be. XP SP2 comes out after the final release of 5.x.
Steve Krandel (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Right the definitive answer is that no version 5 service packs will be certified with XP SP2, not 9, not 10 not nothing. And it has not been decided whether 6.5 will retrospectively be certified or if it will be a later version of 6.
Nick Daniels (BOB member since 2002-08-15)
Right the definitive answer is that no version 5 service packs will be certified with XP SP2, not 9, not 10 not nothing. And it has not been decided whether 6.5 will retrospectively be certified or if it will be a later version of 6.
Ha, so much for that. BO have now updated the note on tech support…in case you don’t have access they basically said:
5.1.8 / 2.7.4 are supported with XP SP2. No mention of v6.
Nick Daniels (BOB member since 2002-08-15)