BusinessObjects Board

Windows File Browser

Hi, I am trying to solve a problem with BO VB. I am using BO 5.1.3 and I don’t know either if I am doing something wrong or not, but I am not able to open the windows open file dialog box.

In Excel, no problem, just write:

dim str as string
str=Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files, *.xls")

The box pops up and everything works fine.

I have been browsing the forum and any answer related to this topic needs a lot of code, as if the GetOpenfilename could not be applied. Is it so? Or am I using an incorrect command? Or is the VB for BO not up to date?

If there is no other way to do it, I will try the forum’s answers but I would like to make sure first.


Ignatius (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

I’m fairly sure that GetOpenFilename is an Excel function, not a VBA function. To be prompted to open a file in BusObj, use this:

Dim Doc as Document
Set Doc = Application.Documents.Open

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Thanks but…that is in order to open a BO file, isn’t it? what i really want to do is to aquire a path. If I am able to point to a file, I will be able to get the full path, too, and I will be able to export in pdf format to that path and so on (the deeper you get in VB, the bigger your refinements are, isn’ it? :slight_smile: )

I have read posts regarding this point but it seemed much too complicated for me.Specially, I recall one by Rahburn.

If there is no other way, I will try the hard way :wink:

Ignatius (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

This has been discussed earlier by me and Olivier in this and related topics and was included in the Converter add-in . You may wish to check the add-in and get the code from there.

avaksi :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-22)

If you’re looking to get a pathname by browsing, this article is probably the one you found. I think we came to the conclusion that with the current object model, it really was the best solution … specifically the code in this post. It involves no third-party dlls and works in any (semi-modern at least), version of Windows.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)